I need advice.

Last night. I ended up sleeping with a guy I have wanted to be with for 3 years now. He has told me he loved me (even said it during sex a few times last night and when he dropped me back off home). I love him so of course I said it back. We haven't made it official even though we love each other. The thing is, he's inconsistent. One day he's telling me he loves me, the next I don't hear from him for days, weeks, sometimes even months, he has excuses each time for why and I believe it each time even after its a repeated cycle. He has not contacted me since last night. I didn't just have sex to have it last night, I had it because I love him. We are in our late 20's and I do not want to just "have fun". I want potential marriage and children at this point in my life with whom I love and loves me back. I am upset today because I gave away a part of myself to this guy. I'm just afraid that by him being unresponsive, it's going to be another one of his streaks where I lose communication with him. I also told him not to cum inside (he lied and said he didn't) I found out that he did when I got home because cum clearly leaked out on my panties, I know what cum looks like! If he does avoid me after last night, how do I move on after my emotions were involved in something so physical? Does it sound like he really loves me like he says he does? Am I loving blind?