Physically attracted

Hey ladies, so There is one thing that is bothering me, I'm sorry if this is dramatic.. but I'm 17 and on my peeiod right now, so I would like your opinion 😂

I have this friend, he is Christian, but, I'm in the Pentecostal church and he goes to this pretty conservative, Really closed "congregation" or what they call it.. Well, so I feel really physically attracted to this guy.. But i don't want to date him.. I feel like he is struggling with himself and he cares WAY too much what people think..

But the problem is, that he is always touching me.. and I kind of have the feeling he feels something for me.. but I don't really mind the times his hand brushes up against mine.. but I always decide to avoid his (pretty innocent) touching, but then in the moment I feel really comfortable..

What should I do 😳