Discipline Am I Wrong???

So ive been having an issue with my SO We Have 5 girls Ages 9yrs 7yrs two 6yr olds and a 1 1/2yr old. So heres the thing he doesn't discipline the 4 other ones but disciplines our youngest. When i tell him to not spank her because she doesnt know better he gets mad and tells me to then just raise her myself the older ones talk back hit each other hit or bully the youngest and he just yells at them he says he doesnt discipline the older ones because they know better but he could yell at them and 2-5mins later they will do it again and what does he do? Just tells them to stop amd listen..it pisses me off because i feel the baby shouldnt be spanked or yelled at when she knows no better and the others know whats right and wrong. Am i wrong for being upset with him?

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