I feel like today's test is lighter than my others (POSA)


Last month, I had a chemical pregnancy very early on - I even found out I was pregnant at 7 DPO. I tested every morning for 5 days and basically watched the line progress for 2 days then disappear after. I ended up starting my period 2 days early with the chemical pregnancy.

I tried to go into this pregnancy with no stress and basically told myself not to test so often because it's just gonna cause anxiety and panic for me. Well, that hasn't happened.... kinda. I found out I was pregnant on August 31st. I tested about 5 days in a row and had lots of progression with my pregnancy tests which was a sigh of relief.

Well today.... at 5 weeks 3 days... I ended up testing with FMU just to see how things were looking and I feel like my second line is not as dark as it previously was.

Here is a picture of all the progression, the last test was from this morning. What do you think? Am I being crazy?! I know I should worry myself but I can't help it. Last year I suffered from a blighted ovum as well. So pregnancy hasn't been an easy thing for me.