US measuring a week baby seen


According to my lmp I should be 7w5d and I went to get my second US today. First one was an emergency one bc progesterone levels were low (measured a week behind then too. I’ve been on Crinone 8% since then). Today the sac was measuring 6w3d and no baby could be seen, just the gestational sac and maybe a yolk sac. Dr is concerned and has sent me for BW to check hcg levels for the next 2 days. I bawled my eyes out in the parking lot with my husband. We are so worried but I’m trying to stay hopeful/positive since I’ve read about others that have had positive outcomes. I have another US scheduled on 10/13. Fingers crossed.

**UPDATE** Our fears were confirmed this morning. Sac has grown only slightly with hardly any embryo to be seen. I will most likely have a D&C; next week if nothing happens naturally this weekend. While we are utterly devastated, we are staying as positive as we can. I was also battling what I thought was a cold. Turns out I have pneumonia and I’m currently being treated for that. I’m honestly happy to just have answers about everything and I’m ready to move on and start trading for my 🌈👶🏻. Good luck to all the May mommas and thanks for the support