sick sick chick

what do u do when ur supposed friend drives u batshit crazy

this chick I know has 5 kids (1 girl and the rest boys) and every single child has something wrong with them , like she has changed doctors until every child has been diagnosed with something . everything from autism to hearing problems (the child hears perfectly normal ) she gets paid 600 per child every month along with getting disability for her self for bipolar which she was almost taken off of disability because a doc that wasn't her normal doc checked her charts and said she had nothing wrong. I helped raise these kids have known them for 16yrs and spent quality time with them... there is not a thing wrong except for the mother switching docs to get a diagnosis of something.... now one of her kids were just diagnosed with yet ANOTHER thing today.

again she admits that she gets 600 per kid per month her husband works and she gets disability for herself... yet every Christmas and every holiday where kids expect to get stuff .. she goes to every charity available saying she has no money because of all the "problems" everyone has.. then gets mad when she don't get everything she has the kids put on their lists..... OMG she drives me batshit crazy people like me work hard AF to get what our kids need let alone what they want and people like her expect everything handed to her.

sorry everyone long and drawn out and I apologize for my rant