Friends r annoying the crap out of me

I’m pretty good with paying people back who have lent me money. And I usually don’t need people to give me money in the first place cuz most times I have it. Some of my friends on the other hand r annoying as fuck when it comes to paying me back and it’s starting to really piss me off.

My friend jenn** owes me like $40 just in the last year. This goes from getting her lunch at school when she has no money, to buying her small stuff for her sisters baby shower, to food, etc. I quickly noticed Or friendship she doesn’t pay back so I stopped offering to get her stuff when they had no money.

At this point u might say “then stop paying for her” and I have tried. Just the the day we were on our way to a college tour and we’re gonna stop at her work to pick up her check and then dunkins. She decides to go to dunkins first knowing she only had $2, even though I told her we shouldn’t go here b4 she gets more money. She’s says bc we r already here she’ll just spend under the $2 which obviously wasn’t gonna happen. Basically what happened was she tried guilting me into paying for her by hinting and whining about how she wanted food and a drink, even though it was clear I didnt want to.

Anyway, of course she orders over the $2 on purpose so I would practically be forced to pay for her. After she ordered She looks at me after she did it an Idk how to explain her face expression but it was like the most extremely fake “oops” expression. After that we r pulling to pick the order up and she’s like “oh shit dude I accidentally order both drink and food” then she starts looking at my wallet. I’m like “yeah I thought u did that on purpose” (or else u would think she would of cancelled that cocoa when she first realized and looked at me)🙄🙄🙄. I was like “ugh here” handed her $4 for her shit. She gave me the two dollars she had. Do u think she gave me back the money? No. I literally can’t even get out of lending people money when I clearly don’t want to and I didn’t even offer.

Sorry this is long, boring and confusing but I needed to rant. Ok it was only $2 but that’s not what really upsets me. It’s the fact she knowingly ordered stuff she couldn’t pay for expecting me to cover the rest. Like yeah Ik we r friends but I think that’s super rude. If she had asked me if I could cover for her food and told me once she got her check she’d pay me back then I would of been like yeah sure but she was being a snake instead.