Pitty Party Table of 1

My bestfriend of 8 years dropped out of college yesterday to take a break for her mental health, which I could not be more proud of her for. After she called me I hopped in my car and got her some of her favorite things, some balloons and a card; to cheer her up some and know I am here for her. She was still out so I left them with her roommate and wrote in the card that dinner was on me that night. She ended up spending the night saying goodbye to her sorority sisters so I just figured we'd have some time another day. But this morning she sent me a picture that she was already on the road heading home (9 hours away) and I won't be able to see her again until she comes back to school. I know her situation isn't about me in any way, shape, or form, but it stings she left without a goodbye or even telling me.