Free The Nipple!


So, I just saw a post from a first time mom who shared a picture of her nipple. She did so because like all of us who have been first time mom's, she was worried, and surprise! Doesn't know everything there is to know about the changes in your body during pregnancy, and she was asking for help and advice.

At least half the comments were from other women calling her down, because they "don't want to see her nipple".

Are you for freaking real? These are women making these comments! I mean my God! No wonder we can't get people to stop freaking out about breastfeeding in public, when we can't even get a community primarily comprised of women to not shame another woman for asking for help with a medical concern!

I mean, how the hell can we expect men to get over it, when we can't even get other women to be supportive? Especially when the woman openly said it was something she was already self conscious about to the point where she couldn't even discuss it with her own partner.

Let's all grow up shall we?