I'm pregnant, not disabled!

I am so sick of being treated like a disabled child with no mental functionality!

This my fourth pregnancy. I have previously carried 3 pregnancies to term, resulting in live birth to healthy children who are ALL still alive and healthy. I am fortunate to have had such great luck and never experienced the numerous soul-shattering outcomes that could happen. I am thankful everyday for my life and my children.

Now, to the problem... If one more person tells me to sit down, rest, put my feet up, or says that I'm endangering my unborn child by doing such hazardous things as folding laundry or loading the dishwasher, they are going to endanger their own wellbeing!

I have it covered! I know my limits... I have been here 3 other times. Pregnancy doesn't suddenly make me incapable of higher thought and reasoning. It doesn't mean I suddenly don't know when I need to sit. It doesn't mean my arms and legs are now useless. The only thing endangering this child is the stress of your incessant badgering about what I should or shouldn't be doing in my healthy, uncomplicated, 19 week, 4 day pregnancy. Mind your own limits and leave me the hell alone.

EDIT: I don't have to be grateful to people who tell me what I do and do not need to do. I especially don't have to be grateful to someone who says to me, "Go sit down! Are you deliberately trying to kill your baby?" because I dared to load the dishwasher in my own house. It's not "showing concern" to demand that someone do as you say because they think you are incapable of functioning as a basic human being.

If I walked up to a non-pregnant person and told them to sit down, they shouldn't be doing that with absolutely zero evidence that they were struggling or in any way unhealthy, I wouldn't be showing concern, I would be being controlling. Pregnancy doesn't discount my independence or my right to make decisions for myself and I will not be grateful to people who consistently treat me as though it does.

For the record, I have been polite. I have politely and consistently made it known to this person that I know what I am capable of and that my doctor has given me no restrictions or reason to believe that I need restrictions. Yet she consistently oversteps boundaries to treat me like an invalid and demand that I do nothing but sit or lay down. So, no, I am not grateful that she is concerned, I will no longer tolerate her disrespect, and if it continues, I will no longer be polite to her.