Get over it😒

Brittany • Mommy to Noveya Ray Skye Schneidewind 1/7/2018❤

My friend just had her second baby shower a couple weeks ago around 2 weeks after mine. she is 36 weeks and I'm 32 weeks. our baby shower was in the same town that her and her bf live in only because my MIL loves there and they came to our baby shower. The town is about 2 hours away from where my husband and I live. Now, her first baby shower was probably 3 hours away from us and I didn't know about it until 3 days prior so of course I couldn't make it. Her second shower she had in the same town she lives in which is where my baby shower was. well we were planning on going until we realized that we had about 3 bills to pay that week and was left with about $50 and we used that for gas. I let her know we couldn't come but still had a present for her. the day after her shower my mom wanted to see me for lunch but it old her we didn't have enough money and she said she would pay for it so I agreed only because I haven't seen her in months since she just moved back to our state. my mom posted a pic on FB of us later that day and my friend saw that and reacted "wow" to it. now she won't talked to me or anything because I saw my mom and didn't come to her baby shower. I feel like being petty and not giving her a present but I'll be the bigger person since she didn't get us anything. mind you im not very fond of her throughout her pregnancy because she smokes about a pack of cigarettes a day because there was "no way she could quit."😒 I was smoking about the same amount if not more when I found out I was pregnant and I quit within 3 days. there is not a time where she is not high on weed or dabs. But to each their own, that's her choice.