women at work


Ranty like post. i just need to vent because i know my manager wont do anything😒

Time and time again i find myself biting my tongue because 1) i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. 2) because i need this job simply because of the amazing insurance.

This has happened more than once with nosey old women. Normally i don't mind. I love hearing peoples advice. But i hate their unnecessary opinions.

First instance: a new mother and i were talking amongst ourselves on what my birthing plan will be. I tell her natural and that i wanted a water birth but my hospital doesn't do them :( One of the said ladies chimed in "oh you need the drugs and don't do a home birth with your medical conditions." i almost lost it.

A) i have a really hugh pain tolerance

B) i dont have any medical conditions other than i had a miscarriage

Like wtf lady! Yeah im a bigger girl but im super healthy. That just really got me.

2nd instance: the oldest of the two has been making sly remarks, since i announced, about how "the horse comes before the carriage"-_-

Like no. I have my reasons not to go into too much detail on this.

3rd, today: BOTH ladies commented on how im too early to be feeling the baby. Um not really. I feel pressure on where the baby is. LIKE WOMAN I KNOW MY BODY! I told my OB where the baby was to find his/her heartbeat!

THEN, I over heard them whispering something with my name in it and they both like scowled at me.

I don't get paid enough for this crap.

But today i found out the most wonderful thing. I can report them for harassment. I don't want to. But i also don't want to lose my job cause they think they know more about me than i know about me.