Faking her pregnancy

This 16 year old i know told me she is pregnant. I asked her when her appointment was and she said she already went. So me, being pregnant i know how the first appointment goes. I asked what all they did. She said they did a “stomach monitor scan” and said she was 4 weeks. When i went they couldn’t see anything from a pelvic exam at even 5 weeks. Then i asked her if they talked to her about medicine and foods she cant have and she said no. So i asked to see her test and the ultrasound and she said she threw the test away and they didnt give her a picture. So whatever yeah cool. THEN she decided to tell me that they told her she is having a boy. GIRL YOU DO REALIZE YOU DONT KNOW THE GENDER TILL 14-20 WEEKS. Like who the fuck thinks its okay to fake a pregnancy. Let alone when youre 16. Literally what the hell is wrong with people.