Fetishization of Bisexual people..

✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Peace✌🏼love ❤️and 3 flowers 💐grease(AKA ChiChi The Clown)

So I personally never thought did experience this, especially while in a relationship, but since I’ve found my sexuality, I’ve become “woke” in a sense to different behaviors. For example, this weird thought people have that every girl I say is beautiful I’m attracted to, or I’m obviously down for a polyamorous relationship because u know I’m bi and all🤷🏻‍♀️😒.

I’ve recently “come out” to my bf, possibly soon to be ex bf about 3/4 months ago I believe about my sexuality, I’ve explored different things with him, and had finally found my “true self” ever since then, this whole straight guy w/bisexual gf thing has been a fucking fetish. And it’s fucking sick!

I’m not gay for play or lesbian only when I’m drunk and trying to show up for guys. Like this is me this is who I am, if I’m not gonna be with u (my bf) I’ll find someone else, rather they’re a woman or not. It’s either one or the other with me. NEVER both. Why? Because I’m looking for something deeper than just great sex, I’m not looking for an exciting new thing everyone is trying. I just wanna pull my freaking hair out!

I get a text and I swear this shit had me questioning everything. Recently theres been a huge struggle between my bf and I, from him gaining custody of a kid he never wanted in the first place, to him just acting like a complete dick. Anyway, I get this text talking about this particular BM wants to have a poly relationship with us. At this point I’m hurt, mind u I just went through hell week with him and his attitude and degrading antics. He’s talking to me like I’m supposed to be excited his BM wants to eat me out and “help me” and we can all just be this happy “family”

First of all I hate this woman. She chose not to get the abortion my bf sent her money for, she said she didn’t want him to have anything to do with this kid, he hated the kid for the longest, then one day she drops him off at our house, mebwing the kind hearted person I am I jump on the opportunity to be a mother, only to find my bf is like literally the worst fucking person (as a father) he’s degrading, disrespectful, and infront of the kid at that. I spent my whole life watching my mom belittle my dad, I know as parents he not supposed to fight in front of your kids, anyway. After the week of bullshit I get this text asking me if this woman can now be my bf and I little gf.

I’m just floored like he really believes this is ok. Like he really believes that “oh well your bi anyway, it should be fun”. I swear to god I simply told him “go be with your family” God’s giving u a second chance at a family u should take it, I can’t have kids and I don’t think I want them with u so please go work on your family.”

He flipped his shit. Damn near lost his mind how lax I was about “giving up” on him. But y’all I have no more fight left in me. After seeing how he acts as a father, a partner I’m just disgusted. I loved him as a person, u know that unconditional love kinda thing. But being in love with him is slowly dwindling. He fetishizes my ethnicity, our interracial relationship and now my sexuality. I’m absolutely hurt, disgusted, confused, and quite honestly I’m surprised how fast this shit crumbled. I just feel bad for wanting to leave.