*LONG POST* my life is falling apart and there’s nothing i can do😔

Please hear me out before calling me stupid or telling me that I should’ve waited till I was more financially stable because believe me I know that now.

September this year, me and my long term boyfriend and a friend of ours decided to move into a house together. My friend had lived in a shared house previously but got evicted due to £690 of rent arrears, me and my boyfriend were living either at my mums or his mums. When we got the house we were ALL working FULL TIME and in stable jobs. The first month was great, we got all the bills and rent paid on time in full, got a full months shop, some bits for the house - happy days. The only problem here was I paid for the entire food shop and paid half my friends rent as she couldn’t afford it for whatever reason. We agreed that she would pay me back next month.

I was unfairly dismissed from my job (i was 2 MINUTES late one morning due to the company breaking the 11 hour rule many times, I had also already worked 12 days in a row, 9 of which were 15 hour shifts - i was exhausted!!!) but I managed to get another job instantly and started a few weeks later. My boyfriend also got sacked because he got really bad food poisoning from food he had eaten AT WORK and had to take almost a week off work because he literally couldn’t stop vomiting. He has however got a new job. My friend chose to leave her job as she had a better paid one which she was due to start a few days later (this happened at the end of September and she still hasn’t started). I ended up getting sacked from my new job because I had a miscarriage at work which caused me to be severely ill, in and out of hospital and I had to take time off, I was in my 3 month probationary period and so they let me go.

Obviously this caused massive problems for us in more ways than one. Firstly my friend owes me now £400. Second of all none of us had a penny to our names, and so we literally could not pay the rent. I tried everything in my power to get the money for the rent, I tried borrowing it but nobody had the amount of money we desperately needed, I tried taking out loans but couldn’t get accepted because I’m only 18 and have a low credit score (I know nobody who can or would guarantor) and unfortunately ended up being frauded, which meant that when I did manage to get some money (about £800, still not enough but better than nothing right?) it was taken from my bank instantly. I contacted my landlord explained what happened and he was really chilled out about it, he told me not to take out a loan and to just keep trying, he said we would work on it and sort it out some how.

Anyway, a few weeks later still no luck, my partners dad arranged to meet the landlord and ended up paying our rent for this month😭 the landlord has however told us that if we don’t have the full rent on 1st December that we will be evicted. There is literally no way we can get this money, I don’t get paid until the 14th December from my new job, my boyfriend doesn’t get paid until the 8th and I haven’t a clue what my friend is going to do because she’s not worked a day!!!

I am unbelievably stressed and have literally no idea what on earth we’re going to do😔 to top it all off I’m 2 weeks late on my period and taking a test in the morning, so if it comes back that i’m pregnant I really don’t need the stress😭

What on earth should I do😭😭