HELP!! Breastfeeding/Period Question

Elaina`sMama • Got BFP on 11/18/15 with baby #1 - she was born on my birthday, July 25, 2016. Planning to start trying for #2 in July 2018 😊😊😊

My daughter is 16 months old and exclusively breastfed (no formula/milk) until a year old. I got my period for the first time when she was 10 months old & I’ve had it consistently every month on time since then. I’m on the mini pill and not wanting to TTC for a few more months but my period is 4 days late (and it’s NEVER late), but this month my daughter has started wanting to breastfeed more than she had been. Around 14 and 1/2 months she weaned herself for a week, then started back up again. Could that be affecting my period? So far all tests look negative .

Thanks for reading! Sorry this is so long