To stay or leave...?


So I probably already know what most women will say, but I feel like I need to share this. My fiancé and I have been together for almost 7 years. We have had a few brief break ups in between. We live together (he owns the house) Last Christmas I got pregnant and this Sept I had a beautiful baby boy. (I should mention he has been married before and has a 10 year old son) He is not a patient man and when any kind of argument happens he yells and it gets nasty. Usually with him yelling profanities and belittling me. Basically verbal abuse but I have been able to deal with it over the years because it usually is not often, he doesn't typically apologize the following day but his behavior tells me he is because he is extra nice and tries to have a conversation instead of fight what we were disagreeing about. Just like most people he has good attributes and bad ones, it's just after the fight we just had I'm struggling with whether I should stay or leave him? Ugh sorry so long. He asked me to be a stay at home Mom so our son wouldn't be in day care like his 10 year old spent most his early life. I struggled with it but last week I resigned from my job I worked at for 11 years (we have yet to marry but planned to soon at the court house, I thought) Today we got into a fight, started out stupid, over him not putting pumpkin pie back in fridge and I did when I woke up in middle of night with baby and found it. He basically turned it around on me saying I should have put pie away before I went to bed (even though he saw me on couch with our son asleep on my chest and he took it out) this is how it always goes, he never does anything wrong it's somehow my fault. Then he goes into how I shouldn't have taken our son for as long as a walk I did yesterday because it was too cold (47 degrees, yes windy) I had him in his snow suit with a warm blanket on top and he was 90% covered by his canopy. I was outside for 20 min. He has made countless comments about my mothering which has been hard to handle because I am with our son 90% of the time or more and he hardly helps yet he wants to point the finger and make me constantly feel like I can't make the right decision when it comes to our son. Our son is thriving and growing like crazy and hasn't gotten sick at all yet. Anyway, he is leaving Monday for a business trip and won't be back till Friday. During our fight he told me he hopes he comes home from his trip and that I have moved out and he will just send me child support. He also called me all sorts of ugly words, while I covered our sons ears and walked away while he just kept on. A little while later I set our son down on the couch by him while I was getting his bath ready and he starts fussing and starting to cry...I walk in and nicely say "your not even going to pay attention to him" his response "well I don't think he will be in my life much longer". Broke my heart. Even when we fought he is going to take it out on him. I'm so at a loss. I just gave up my job, I don't have much in savings (except my retirement) I would have to move in with my 70 year old Mom for god knows how long and go through getting a lawyer to get child support. Not to mention move out (which would require hiring a moving company) I don't know what to do. Try to work things out knowing he blows like this every once in awhile, because I don't want my son to not have a father around or cut my losses and leave? (I left out lots of details on our fight and how he treats me because that would be a novel) 😢