Is it even worth it anymore


My boyfriend and I have been together for close to 2 years, but every couple of months we get stuck in a rut. I'm a very needy person and I have very bad anxiety and some insecurities on top of that. I need a lot of reassurance on certain things. But when there's an issue between us, it seems it's no longer important to him to make me feel loved and understood. I get punished. I get ignored. I get attitude for days afterwards. I feel like the enemy... He says and does mean and hurtful things that I've never once said or done to him. But strangely always says I love you to me even during a fight. Idk if that's to keep me hanging on or if he really means it and it really messes with my head. I just feel desperate at this point. Desperate to have the same love I give to be reciprocated back to me. Desperate to be wanted. Desperate to be understood. Desperate to feel appreciated and not be constantly confused... I want to know what to do to make all of this stop. I want to know if this is worth going through anymore.