HELP !! Weird things happening before expected AF , early signs of pregnancy ? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


1. Extremely sensitive gag reflex for the past week , like can’t eat more than a couple bites of something then I get that throw up feeling.

2. Random waves of nausea throughout the day followed by dizziness.

3. Creamy vaginal discharge and a lot of it , like having to wear a panty liner .

4. Constantly having to pee but not very much comes out.

5. Extreme insomnia .

6. Hot flashes and cold sweats.

7. Random numbness in hands and feet

All of this just in the past week or two , AF is due tomorrow but took a test today and looks negative . I’ve had a few period like cramps but other than that no sign of AF yet .