Confusing Crush Problems

I’ve had this major crush on this guy from my Algebra class for a while now and I just don’t know what to do. People say he has a girlfriend, but none of them are close to him to know FOR SURE. We don’t talk or even hang out. I have really bad anxiety and I was extremely quiet when I first started that class.It’s not everyday a 7th grader joins an Algebra class. He tried talking to me once, but I kept it short ( 2 words) and have never talked to him again. Fast forward a few weeks and it’s fandom day at school and of course I wear my Twenty One Pilots shirt. Next thing I know he’s hugging me and asking what my favourite songs where. My damn anxiety got in the way again and i didn’t respond verbally. However I wrote them down on a paper and gave it to him. Fast forward a few more weeks and he kept on staring at me. My anxiety was going through the roof at this point. I was going to politely ask him to stop I decided,but luck wasn’t on my side and when I turned to face him he turned to face me too so we just stared at each other for like 4 seconds before I quickly turned my head. I’ve told my therapist about him and she thinks he likes me too, but again like I said he has a girlfriend. My most recent encounter with him was when I was walking to my next period with my friend when he gently nudged me to the side because he was running and he turned around blushing and smirked at me as he was looking directly at my eyes. I thought I was hallucinating, but my friend to this day teases me about it.

I don’t know what to do, can someone please give me some advice????

Thank You!!!


