

So as I said in my last rant about her she was coming to visit in a couple of weeks from Florida. Well that's today. She lives in Florida and told us yesterday that she was on her way to North Carolina to meet her mom to bring her with her which is fine, no problem. So this morning I'm expecting her to be leaving from North Carolina. I messaged her and asked her where she was at: she said Georgia. First flag was raised. If you were supposed to be in North Carolina how did you get from North Carolina to Georgia at 7 in the morning. That's right she didn't. I believe she didn't go to North Carolina she left from Florida. Now I'm friends with her and her mom on Facebook and her moms boyfriend was posting location checkpoints on Facebook and tagging her so of course I seen it 31 minutes after he had posted he was in Forrest City, AR. Which is only a couple hours from where I live. So I messaged her and asked her where she was at and she said Tennessee (second flag raised). Then I messaged the ex wife and her excuse was "i don't know. It took me a different way" and I responded "it? The GPS?" And she said "yes" and I thought to myself: a gps usually tells you where you are if im not mistaken. (Third flag raised) so that's it, something fishy is going on here and she's already tried to take the kids from us twice. I went to the school and told them to not let anybody but me pick up the kids and gave them pictures so now I'm just waiting. Have I overthought the entire situation or is something definitely going on?