HELP Should I call L&D?!

I'm 38 weeks and me and my husband DTD today to possibly get a baby today lol. (Me and my entire family have been trying to coordinate our schedules in case he comes and since it's Saturday we thought it'd be a good day to have a baby lol) well we had sex and ended around 1pm. Ever since we were done I got contractions. For the 25 minutes they were a bit inconsistent 8 minutes then 4 then 5 then 7. But then after that they came boom boom boom 3-4 minutes apart. It's now 2:45 and I'm still getting them and they HURT. Hubby wants me to try to sleep but I want to call and see if I should come in because our hospital is an hour away and at my appointment on Wednesday I was 70% effaced and 4cm. And baby is fully engaged.

Should I try to nap or call?

Update: my husband is really not wanting me to call because of how many times we've been sent home in the past. My hospital doesn't admit until 5cm so we really need to wait it out hoping there is a change. I got up and walked around and the contractions haven't slowed nor have they gotten any less painful. I'm giving it 20 more minutes JUST IN CASE (because literally every time I call they stop) and if they haven't stopped yet I'll call. :).

Update 2: Dr said to go in. On my way there now!!! Really hope I'm a 5 so I can be admitted and get the ball rolling. It's so inconvenient with the hospital being 1 hr away. Especially having a toddler and it being the winter with snow. 🤪