can this be pregnancy? please help. so scared to take a test this soon!!


I am 24. 6th cycle in ttc. since my last ovulation ( that means six fertile days and unprotected sex everyday during that) 5th dec - 11th dec , I am feeling different . Different in a sense that I felt sharp cramps on right side of my lower abdomen after 2-3 days of my fertile window that came and went for around two days. feeling them still but they are mild now plus I feel pressure in my andomen. well, the most striking thing is that I have started feeling nausea since then till now. I feel the urge to vommit but I never throw , feels like it comes to my throat but ends in just a burp. feeling this since then at any time of day and night and it is not going away. this tym I have feeling tfor getting pregnant. saying nothing tco hubby yet to avoid the disappointment of a bfn that we had already faced in last few month. period is due on 24th dec always have regular 26 days cycle. please tell what you feel this cause to be???

prayers please !! fingercrossed😓