Febrile Seizure


My son, who's going to be 2 in February, had a febrile seizure last week. He's alright thank God, but it scared my husband and I absolutely silly He's been in daycare part time since October. He's there two days a week and with my inlaws three. My husband and I are thinking of pulling him out of daycare and letting him just be with his grandparents again full time until he's a bit older, maybe we'd do a part time preschool for him when he's three or a little older. I'm wondering whether you ladies think this is an overreaction? We can't know of he'll ever have another one, he could stay in daycare and never have another one again, we could pull him out and it could happen again next month (febrile seizures are seizures associated with very high fevers - his was at 105, and the cause of the fever was a virus he's getting over now). I pushed daycare (my husband didn't oppose me on it, but he also doesn't think it's as valuable as I do) to get my son used to being around other kids and help him build his immunity, but this experience was so frightening (for all the involved adults - my son barely slowed a down). What do you think? Give him time to get a little older and try again? Stick it out now? I just can't help but wonder what other moms might do in this situation. He was just getting used to being there and getting comfortable there, but I don't want to risk harm to him. And being out of daycare for now will definitely reduce the number of illnesses he's likely to co e down with. Febrile seizures are rare over 3. I'm just not sure what to do - I don't want to deprive him of a valuable experience, but I'm not sure I could forgive myself if I keep him in and this happens again.