My mother in law is ruining my life HELPP!


Here’s a little background. I️ have a son from a previous relationship who is now seven. I️ met my now husband when my son was two years old. My husband and my sons father are both very present in my sons life. Over the years, my ex and I️ have struggled to come to agreements on parenting and disciplining and have come to settle at separate rules at separate houses. It’s confusing for my son sometimes. My husbands parents were welcoming from the beginning of my son and my situation (at least to my face). They took him in as their own and spoiled him, babysat him and cared for him like their own grandchild. Fast forward almost 5 years and My mother in law still spoils him. She lets him get away with murder, barely disciplines him, and frequently buys him things. He acts like a royal brat when he’s around her. Not himself. Whiney, Bratty, and weapy... not himself. For a long time I️ just let it go. I️ was thankful for them and their open arms and he loved being spoiled by them. Then the undermining started. My husband and I️ Run a tight ship. We don’t waver from our discipline and we believe in time outs and rules even if it means parking a crying child in the corner of the supermarket for 4 minutes to think about what he’s done. While this sounds harsh, we rarely ever have to discipline him! He’s a great kid, well mannered, well behaved, very fun and energetic. My son is always in trouble at her house. He knows how to work the system so to speak. He knows if he whines and cries when I️ discipline him, my mother in law will step in and cuddle him and call me mean. Same with when my husband disciplines him. It’s become a vicious cycle. My mother in law is stubborn, sensitive, gossipy, and can hold a grudge bettter than anyone I’ve ever met. She’s overbearing and controlling of mine and my husbands life as well as her daughters life. I️ really have never been able to communicate with her and have to walk in eggshells when I have a conflict with her. She once didn’t speak to me for two weeks when I threw a verryyy last minute party for my son that she couldn’t make it to. I️ hate confrontation and usually leave the dealings with her up to my husband since it never ends well when I handle them. Well, this past weekend I reached my boiling point. I️ was having my son help clean up the dinner mess when we were at their house on a Sunday night. He was being his usually whiney bratty self at their house and I️ had reached my whitts end. I️ also have a 6 month old baby(aka I️ haven’t slept in like, forever) and have a shorter fuse and I️ blew up. after two time outs during dinner, and an argument about his last two bites(belittled by my mother in law who felt the need to let me know I shouldn’t force him when he’s full) I️ asked him to bring the napkins to the laundry room and he cried. She interjected and snapped at me yelling WHY ARE YOU MAKING HIM DO THIS!! I️ calmly and politely asked her to speak with my in the other room. I️ could feel my blood boiling and wanted to keep my composure in front of my son. She spat back NO I️ WILL NOT GO IN THE OTHER ROOM WITH YOU! I️ asked my sister in law to take my son in the office and shut the door and I exploded. I️ explained to her that she cannot undermine my parenting. I️ told her to back off and let me parent my children. She avoided me and kept saying how we were mean parents and the poor child is disciplined too much and she won’t stand by and watch it. I️ explained that it’s not her place nor her choice how he is parented and that I’m sick of it. I️ explained that my son has enough inconsistencies in his life and that we as adults should be a united front and that all of her comments give him a chance to be defiant. She denied absolutely everything. I felt as though I was talking to a wall and got very frustrated. We left without dessert (even worse it was my father in laws birthday dinner) . The next day my husband went by to try and make it right, and she unloaded on him. She told him basically how much she hated me. She brought up past grudges from years ago and accused me of abusing my child😭😭😭😭 (so farrrr from the truth). She said we a are too hard on him and she can’t imagine how miserable his life must be at home.. ( I️ realize I’m a stranger posting this but if you knew us you would know how untrue and hurtful this is!!!) While I realize that letting everything boil up and yelling about my feelings was not right, I️ don’t feel I️ deserved that. Not to mention, she put my husband in a terrible position. Between his mother and his wife. No mom should ever. So here we are, less than a week before Christmas, and I’m not sure how to ever get back from this. I’m sure we are not on speaking terms. I️ was going to reach out and apologize for yelling and try and talk to her again about my issues but I️ am so angry after what she said to my husband I️ Just can’t. She took it to another level. Help!! Please tell me where to go from here 😰.