*edit* babysitter gave my 4 month old 2 teaspoons of formula for 6 ounces...

i just wanted to say thank you for those who told me it was okay and that it happens. i texted her later saying that it's okay after I felt okay about it myself. I honestly just didn't know how to react and I was so scared that she didn't get enough to eat for a few hours. I felt like a bad mom myself, for possibly not being clear enough or if it was even okay for my daughter to go back to this babysitter if she didn't feel comfortable just texting a question about her food. She did seem very concerned and it helped ease me a bit too. And for that one person to tell me to get over it, I get it, but you should really learn to be a bit more compassionate lol. I was worried out of my mind and just needed to vent and for mom's to tell me it's OK. not that I'm dumb for worrying about if my daughter is eating. anyways thanks for the other kind words and I'll try not to freak out next time!!

I've started having to use a babysitter since my husband and I have an overlapping work schedule. I'm a ftm and already paranoid. I pack a bottle of 6 ounces for a couple of hours. and then a bag of 6 scoops of formula. the instructions are 2 scoops for 2 ounces. I told my babysitter that everything is prepared, she just needs to poor the formula in and shake the bottle.

But the next day I check the diaper bag and there is still more than half of the formula in the bag. And when she dropped her off, she told my husband she said she had two bottles.

like how. I only packed one bottle. so I text her today, and she gave she gave 2 TEASPOONS. per 6 ounces!!! I was livid. But I calmly told her that the whole bag was for the whole bottle. here are the texts

I'm so terrified and upset. why didn't she just ask?? why didn't she listen when I gave her the instructions?? uggghhh