I just can’t not anymore

So it’s the school holidays and all I’ve been doing is sleeping and crying and just being down I hardly get out of bed and I don’t want to see people all I wanna do is sleep and when I finally do wake up I can’t go back to sleep I just cry and feel sad and do some really stupid shit like text ppl with stupid things like I’m sorry that I’m to much for you and I understand if you don’t wanna talk to me or be my friend anymore and or I call any of my friends that will answer me at 3 in the morning because I feel so so alone all the time I have to be right there with someone or on the phone just so I can hear there voice or I start slipping into a really sad almost depressed state and I’ve been talking to a psychologist and she’s not helping me with it she sayd it’s a normal thing to do when Im dealing with what I’m doing

I also have episodes of severe paranoia when I think people are coming to get me like through the window or ppl are watching we through my shut window so I get up lock my door and check it’s locked like 7000 times before I can even think about sleep

I hate it so much and I can’t trust anyone enough to tell them because they simply just don’t get it they say they do but they don’t

Would it be easier to just slip into the sadness that’s trying to consume me do I even need to be happy

If I stop seeing ppl will it really matter that much 😖😕🙁😢

Anyone got anything that I can try to do just to maybe help me with the shit that goes on I’my head 😕😔🙁😢😖😖😔