anxiety being caused by my family i need some advice

Everyday my mother screams at me and everyday it's something new wether about school or my plans after school. I got accepted into my top school but it's 3 and a half hours away and she and my siblings are trying to push me away from going there but staying here is meantally sickening and debilitating. I can't handle the constant negativity coming from them it just makes me so depressed and stressed for the future when at first I was just excited. I don't know how to talk to anyone of them about it since they are all on the same side. I'm the youngest and I'm the only one at home and even if I try to talk to my mom she just tells my siblings every part of my life and all they have to offer is ridicule a absolutely no positivity. it just makes so upset to the point where all I wanna to do is give up and not put any effort it. its caused my some of my grades to slip and that's created even more problems it's just hard when you feel like no ones on your team