Why? I need advice:/

So basically.. My ex recently came back and we worked things out. No one gets that I'm ACTUALLY attached to him. lile, I really love him. we've been apart almost 3 months, up until this happened. I prayed so hard and thanked God for everything. For my ex coming back into my life, and for us being good again. Suddenly he gets all weird on me, and claims he can't love until he fixess broken pieces. Mind you all my friends have told me to stay away from him, because I'll get hurt again. Yes, I'm hard headed when it comes to this guy in particular because I'm actually attached. We didn't have sex, so no that's not it. We did share a lot with each other personally, and emotionally and romantically and once that happens its just so hard and painful. I can't stop thinking about him. He and his girl he was talking to previously are now talking and he wants her to forgive him and take him back for the most part. I am hurt. I AM in love at the same time. I can't let go, I've tried. I can hide it but I can't truely let go. I need a lot of prayers please ladies.. I'm still young and I'm learning but I've been through a whole lot of shit so I do know what love actually is.