Long frustrating day:( Sorry if it is long.

So today was supposed to be a good day, I am 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. It started out with going to my first Dr visit. That went great, I even get to have my first sonogram this Friday to see my baby. When we got home I took a nap I was so tired and I knew that I had to work later so I felt I should rest. I got up and went to work like any other day when I got off of work is when it started my husband decided to go outside and work on the vehicle. Leaving my children alone in the house. which normally wouldn't be a problem but he left my daughter with her friend my 5 and 6 year old they were all running around playing hide and seek and he also left my fifteen-year-old daughter with her so-called friend who's a boy needless to say I come home everyone's running around like a kaotic crazy bunch I sit down on the couch to try to rest after mailing out some bills and ordering a pizza cuz I was too tired to cook I'm sitting here watching my daughter and her so-called friends sit next to each other as he's touching her leg and I'm like I thought you were just friends so I get irritated because here I am just getting home from work and my husband's outside messing around with the car again leaving the kids upstairs by themselves. and my fifteen-year-old daughter thinks that this is acceptable behavior so I got your tainted told her friend he had to leave went in my room to eat some pizza on calm down then I proceeded to talk to my daughter she pretty much made it out like they didn't do anything wrong and I was the bad person and because I'm pregnant I'm going crazy and basically I'm being a bitch. my husband wasn't very much help either because when he came up he pretty much thought that I was being a little bit irritated too much too although he did agree with me that they shouldn't be acting like that I still felt like he thought that I was being mean or bitch for some reason. so after he left around and my daughter left everyone I started to cry then he comes back in the room and I like I need to be alone right now because I need to sit there and think and he was all like fine being a crab ass. So I'm sitting there crying thinking is this my fault and my just letting my hormones get out of whack and I'm like no step back hold up a minute I'm a mother trying to protect her 15 year old daughter who shouldn't be letting her so-called friend touch her leg especially in front of my other children who are 9 6 and 5 and my husband on that matter shouldn't even have left them in the house alone he knows I don't like that that's not even allowed so I feel as though I am doing What is right. Just really hurt and angry right now sorry for the long post just needed to vent.