Mommy moment

Kelsey • Happily married•Mommy to a sweet princess and 2 boys• One on the way•

Well, mom's, here it is. I love my 5 month old baby girl uncontrollably and indescribably more than she'll ever know. I'm with her 24/7 as I'm a stay-at-home mom. Her crying as frustrated me before. But tonight...tonight as my DH was changing her diaper and getting her ready for bed, she was SCREAMING. I had a moment of pure frustration from the crying. It was as if my head was pounding and the crying was 10x louder than it actually was. I wanted to scream, plug my ears, leave the room, go outside. I just wanted away. I've never felt so encompassed by frustration, overwhelming emotions and feeling like I just wanted to shut down. Being a stay-at-home mom with her 24/7, I hear plenty of her crying, but in that moment.. it got to me. It broke me down. I just need to know that I'm not the only FTM who has had a moment like this. Those of you that have, what did you do? I didn't like the feeling I had at all. It overwhelmed me like I've never felt. Looking at her sweet face smiling now, I'm okay again... but in that moment, I didn't feel like me.