2/2 CD 15


So weird not knowing what the heck is happening. My temp went down this morning so only time will tell. I’ll do my wondfo OPKs again today to see what’s happening. My husband went to a race last night, I told him to go ahead since I hadn’t gotten my surge a little break will probably due us good. We will be back on track tho to BD tonight. He’s so supportive in this whole TTC and I’m so thankful for it. 🙏🏼

Last night I had a thought... I started taking CoQ10 around CD 6. I’m wondering if this has caused my delay. I did not take it last night like I had been and I am stopping it all together for the moment. 🤦🏻‍♀️

My CP yesterday changed from high to med and from soft to med. Today it’s high again where I can’t feel if it’s open and it still feels not soft but not firm so med again. My CM is more watery and more of it too than I’ve had all this week. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Trying to stay stress free and see where this cycle takes us! 💕

Can’t thank you ladies enough for the support! I’d be lost on google without you all! 🌹🌹🌹