soft spot...21 month old!?


Okay my husband thinks it's totally fine but I wanted to reach out. my daughter is shy of 21 months and still has a front soft spot about the size of a nickel-quarter. I questioned the pediatrician at 18 months about it and she said since she is developing fine she is not worried. some areas would be thyroid which she tested fine for, downs syndrome which is not concern or other developmental probs but that doesn't seem to be a concern. I guess I just worry because I noticed my niece who is 9 months no longer has hers so I started to freak. my daughter is very petite but so am I and her grandmother is as well. she seems to be growing on the correct curve on weight, height and head so that seems good but still just looking for any other moms that have dealt with this??? paranoid why is it not closed and what is it doesn't close?!?