The best I’ve felt in along time


I’ve crushed on a guy for a while...he dated someone hurt felt like he cheated on me (but we weren’t in a relationship 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ lol)

Long story short we talked tonight about how he used to like me, and I like him. And how I’m like a sister to him (which I’m slightly ok with). And it just felt so good to get my feeling off my chest.

I’ve been holding on to them for the past 2 months, and even thought nothing is going to happen because I shared my feeling. I just feels good to let them out and let him know how I feel, and know how he felt, and how he feels now.

I feel amazing, I’m currently pulling an all nighter with my little sister cause I’m to excited to sleep!

The world Is wonderful, I’m happy, I couldn’t never be happier!! ❤️❤️❤️