Misdiagnosed Blighted Ovum?!

Courtney • 25. Married. pregnant with our rainbow twins🌈 👶🏼👶🏼

So I’m hoping to hear some positive similar stories, but any comments even if they ended in miscarriage will help me feel less alone.

My DH and I have been TTC for 2 years. Started seeing our RE 7 months ago, we were diagnosed with male factor infertility (low morphology and motility). Dr. Suggested we go straight to

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>


Did Stim cycle in December; 29 eggs collected, 16 mature, only 7 fertilized successfully with ICSI. 5 made it to blastocyst in day 6, 4 of those were PGS NORMAL.

We ended up freezing 2 5AA embryos and 2 5AB embryos.

1st FET in January (Dr. only does frozen transfers) resulted in BFN- lost 1 5AA male embryo.

2nd FET on March 6th transferee our last 5AA PGS normal embryo

(female)- got first BFP 5dpt! We were elated!

1st Beta 7dpt- 91.57

2nd Beta 14dpt-665 (Dr was happy with this)

3rd Beta 16dpt- 834 (dr is concerned but cautiously optimistic)

4th Beta 20dpt- 1,987 (beta percentage increased but still not doubling)

5th Beta 21dpt (and first ultrasound)- 2,233 and ultrasound measuring 5 days behind at 4 weeks 6 days. (Picture below is of first ultrasound)

6th Beta 24dpt- 3,567 and ultrasound still measuring 5 days behind at 5 weeks 2 days. (Happy baby’s gestational sac Grew as expected.)

7th Beta (today 4/3/18) about 4 days later- 5,678 and ultrasound still just showing gestational sac. No yolk seen. Still measuring under 6 weeks.

I have had pregnancy symptoms. Light headed, elevated BBT, elevated pulse rate, nauseous, headaches, sore boobs. I should be 6 weeks 3 days today based off of my

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

transfer dates.

Dr wants me to come back in 3 days to do another ultrasound (praying we see yolk sac Friday) but i have a bad feeling she’s going to diagnose us with blighted ovum and suggest a D&C...; does anyone have any positive, or otherwise, stories in a similar situation.

We’ve been trying for so long, i can’t believe we’re finally pregnant and now STAYING pregnant is also this hard... i feel so emotionally, mentally, physically and financially drained. And we told our immediate family last week 😔🙏🏻👶🏼