toxic family relationships?

My father... he likes the title of "dad" but hasn't done one thing to show he wants the title. Severe narcissist, comes in our lives when he feels he is owed something (his birthday/christmas) or when a graduation or life event comes up for us..

He is in another state (thank god) while me, my sister and mom are in another. He never did anything harmful to us, so we still had to visit him, i am not trying to be ungrateful, he just was never there when he should have been, if that makes sense.

He was emotionallly abusive "i never wanted you guys" "you were a mistake" (much more on this... but wont get into it)

Enough of him. now my sister... she is EXACTLY like him. it is so frustrating, anything not dealing with her in any way, she literally will tune you out, she doesn't care. I would like to have a relationship with her, but what we have is toxic. it is one sided, and frustrating.

So I have a question. is it wrong to not want to continue relationships with family members because they are simple toxic? even though they are your family?

like if she wasn't my sister. i guarentee i would not speak to her.. does that count for anything? just because she is my sister does that mean i have to put on a face and make everything about her just so that she'll talk to me?

i dont know guys, there is a lot more about my life than what i wrote here, but that'll be in a novel someday. i hope. lol 🤔. In all seriousness though, am i being petty to consider severing ties, for my sanity...when she won't care either way?