
I'm overwhelmed. I felt like being pregnant was too good to be true and now... My trip to the hospital has left me reeling. I started bleeding on Sunday night, not heavily but it was with some clotting. I was rushed to critical care where I was left in a waiting room full of people and children and expected to quietly and calmly deal with what could of been a miscarriage. The bleeding calmed and settled down, while I was told to come back the next day at 8.30 am for an emergency scan. Safe to say sleep was not on the agenda. I had the ultrasound. Showed nothing. Baby was not visible and considering I was told I was 8 weeks and 6 days pregnant I was more stunned into silence than anything. I'm then told I had to have an intravaginal scan. The result showed an empty sac. Baby not visible. Now I'm at home two days later because I have to wait and see if I have a miscarriage within the next two weeks. If I don't miscarry, either it's a blighted ovum meaning the baby developed outside of the sac or I'm just 5 weeks and the baby isn't visible yet. It could literally just be a case of mixed up dates. But now I'm scared to go out. Don't want to talk to anyone. I'm erratic and can't focus. I feel like all of my worst nightmares are about to happen and there is NOTHING I can do about it. I have to sit in this limbo awaiting judgement like I'm two steps away from descending into hell. I can't eat or even form sentences that make sense when people ask me how I'm doing. I'm putting on this brave face for my partner because I can't let him see me breaking down inside. We waited two years for this. And I didn't feel right before I fell pregnant.. I was assuming nothing would ever work until it did. But now I'm having panic attacks because I can't imagine losing my only chance of happiness again. You may think I'm overreacting but .. Its crippling