Missed miscarriage... again.


I had a bad feeling this pregnancy because of what happens last time. I woke up this morning shaking and worried and unable to think about anything other than our baby. My appointment was at 2:50. I hated this wait and so did my husband because we knew of the possibility. The first time around we were so naive not even thinking once about the possibility of a miscarriage. Then it happened and it seemed so unreal. This time around we had hope, but of course did not give too much hope. When we were waiting in the office today the both of us were shaking unsure of that the results would be. When we began to talk to the doctor he was giving us hope because I told him about my symptoms and the cramping. Which he said meant the baby was growing... not always the case we found out. We went in for the ultrasound (9 weeks supposedly) when she put the wand on me... nothing. So she did it vaginally which I knew was bad news. When she measured the baby it was at 5 weeks... the doctor said that the sack was misshapen which could also indicate a miscarriage. I have another appointment next Friday, just hoping for good luck. Not giving up our hopes though. What I do not understand is that my symptoms have been on and off but when they are on they are strong.. Also, he never told me my hcg levels and he never did last time either I’m not sure if that is bad practice or not... We just want a stickey bean... Also, just wanted to tell our story and have someone to tell. Thank you for listening.