First period after miscarriage


As much of a help everyone is on here and how much I’ve read, I thought that when my first period arrived I would know what to expect. Wow! I was so wrong! I feel that this may be tmi for some but I also feel it is important for us all to know. I do appreciate everyone is different but still it never hurts to be prepared.

My miscarriage was around 5 weeks ago. (Started on the 8th March finished everything on the 21st March after taking meds and having a d&c;). Anyways my period finally started yesterday ☺️ and the pain was horrendous. But that isn’t even the worst part. The bleeding is torrential!! I looks (and can feel) like having a miscarriage all over again. (I’m not because we have been using protection until after the first cycle). I have gone back to using the maternity pads because the bleeding is that heavy.

Anyways sorry for the losses and yes my 💔still hurts like hell. Fingers crossed for baby dust and rainbow 👶 for all of us 🌈 xx

***UPDATE 1***

So I am now on day 3 of my period. The first and second day were really bad. The pain wasn’t too bad for me. Just really bad cramps like a late period causes. The bleeding however was bad for the first 2 days but today it’s more like the end of a normal period. Not much on the pad and not passing anything really. Just a couple of very small clots and some blood. Sometimes red sometimes brown. The pain has almost completely gone. Just the odd twinge every now and then.

***UPDATE 2***

Ok so this morning there was barely anything. Pad was clean and no pains so I was thinking maybe it was the end of it. Hmm yeah right! Went to work as usual and as the day went on I started getting pains and they just kept getting worse. But it wasn’t constant pain. I have been having waves of pain and dizziness and feeling sick. And stupidly gassy!?! The bleeding started up again maybe mid morning. Although not very heavy and not really very red.

The pain has started subsiding now I’m finally home and resting but geez! I’ve nearly been in tears with the pain today! It was awful and the bleeding is now like a normal period.

I hope this helps and gives some reassurance to those that need it.

This is my first experience of a miscarriage. I have had 3 healthy pregnancies before. And hoping for 1 more after this :)