I can’t do this

✨sparkle🐠cubs™️✨ • Twin Momma, 🚨💉💊, married to my best friend, ALLY & bleeding heart liberal!

My 5 month old twins both have RSV & are more or less inconsolable...Crying. None. Stop. My daughter projectile vomits after every feeding basically & my son’s cooing sounds pitiful because he’s losing his voice from constantly crying. And I am LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. We have done everything possible for them...fed them, bathed them, gave them their meds, changed their diapers, EVERYTHING. I have been crying for the past few hours because it just won’t stop. When I try to hold him, he tries to flip himself out of my lap or arms screaming. If I had family close by, they would be here in a heartbeat, but my MIL lives down the street & is basically intimidated by the idea of caring for them. WTF do I do? I have PPD & this has it in full force. It’s like fight or flight is kicking in & I want the fuck out in this moment. This has been going on for about a week but got bad Friday. Please someone help! I cannot think of anything else to do.