Family relationship


I’m posting here because as a 16 year old I don’t understand my moms side and would like a parents perspective TIA

So I’m 16 and me and my family have always had rocky relationships. Me and my mom are both stubborn and we bump heads a lot. I’ve been dealing with a lot and not really had anyone to talk to so I’ve been holding in a lot and it’s caused my mental health to deteriorate. My anxiety has been through the roof and my depression too. In the past two months I’ve left the house twice. The rest of the time I’m in my room alone. I eat to cope. To the point that it’s unhealthy. I’ve gained a lot of weight but I also do work out a lot after because I feel guilty. Me and my mom got in a fight about a month ago and itsbeen super bad since. I don’t even eat with them. We barely even talk. We both have anger issues and pop off in the mouth. We say very hurtful stuff and putting that on top of our very complicated past it’s hard. I dont know how to fix it. I know I’m in the wrong and she’s my mom and I should respect her but she says stuff that’s so hurtful and I lose it and say something back. I’m tired of fighting.

How can i fix it? Any advice helps