Birth Story

Tricia • May Mama💕

My due date was May 11th but my babygirl thought May 6th sounded better.

My water broke around 3am May 5th. My contractions did not start right away and when they did, they weren’t bad at all. They didn’t start to seriously hurt until about 7am so I headed to the hospital.

They checked to make sure my water actually did break and it did, so I was admitted to labor and delivery around 8am. Something that was very important to me was to go without medicine or as long as I could. I wasn’t dilating so they had to use a balloon to help. That got me to about 5cm and after that I was given Pitocin. At this point the contractions were so bad. My lower back hurt during them more then anything else. I was extremely uncomfortable. I’m not sure what time this was but it had been HOURS of horrible back labor and I was just done. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t do anything but cry even when I wasn’t having a contraction, I still had pain in my back. I was so scared to get an epidural because the though of it being in my back scared me and not feeling my legs but I had enough and got the epidural around 6 cm.

It was 3am May 6th, 24 hours since my water broke and I was getting a fever which night an infection was starting. That scared me but everything turned out fine. I tried to take a nap, so did everyone with me.

I was woken up at with serve back labor so my doctors checked me and I was the big ten!!! Finally. 30 hours of serve contractions and back labor! My doctors and I wanted to wait to push until I had the natural urge because labor is a natural thing your body does and having that urge makes pushing easier on the mom and baby. About an hour later I was ready so the doctors started to prep.

As they were getting ready I was having a panic attack and couldn’t stop crying. I was scared I wouldn’t push right or something was going to go wrong. I was so ready to meet my daughter but scared to be a mom. Scared I wasn’t going to push right, scared to let her down. But I did it.

When I started to push my contractions stopped being consistent LOL. But I was doing it. I had my mom, sister and the father by my side helping me. SO, nothing was happening so my doctor had me get in different positions..and 30 minutes of pushing my beautiful babygirl was here.

I later was told that I was put in different positions because the baby’s heart rate was dropping. Serve. They didn’t tell me because I had already freaked out about something happening and I’m glad they told me after she was fine because I would have freaked out again. Turns out the cord was wrapped about my baby’s neck three times. Crazy. It took a second for her to breathe but she did it and she was perfectly healthy and happy.

31 hours of labor and 30 minutes of pushing was all worth it for my babygirl. 9 months of serve morning sickness and stretch marks was all worth it to having this little girl.

This is my Luna Rose. My perfect babygirl. My entire world. Can’t believe how much I love this baby.

Born May 6th, 2018 at 9:41am. 6 pounds 9 ounces, 20 and 1/4 inches.