Selfish or Reasonable? MIL Probs


My MIL has always given me problems.

The current one being she picks one of my kids over the other. I have a seven year old daughter & almost two year old son. She constantly asks my daughter to stay the night, go to church with her, go shopping, whatever. I’m aware my daughter is older, but she’s ALWAYS been this way towards her, included her in everything. My son, however, doesn’t even know who she is bc shes been around him less than 48 hours his whole life. We live on the same street.

I don’t feel like MIL is obligated to watch my kids, EVER. I very rarely tire of their company. I do, however, feel that she is obligated to treat them equally.

Is it fair to say, ‘both or none’? Or is that unreasonable?

Oh, my favorite part is that she is already volunteering to keep my baby due in September.

Here’s a list of shitty things she’s done, just for giggles.

•made my husband (bf at the time) get in front of the church and apologize for getting me pregnant out of wedlock (almost 9 years ago, but I’m still salty). We were 18.

•called me Jezebel for getting pregnant

•threatened to take me to court to get ‘grandparents rights’ over JUST my daughter bc she didn’t get to keep her enough. 😂🙃

•said it ‘wasn’t too much to ask’ to let her name my unborn child Javier. (Fun fact, my kids names are Dixie & Bo).

•told me she hated me bc I want our new babies’ sex be a surprise at birth

•calls me a liar, all the time, no matter what comes out of my mouth.

•no matter how many times I say, ‘please don’t touch my belly’ She freaking touches it saying, ‘it’s my grand baby.’ & that fight ensues.

& y’all don’t think I (or hubby) let her run all over us. We have had a backbone & tried to stay respectful. This lady is just crazy & persistent.

ANYWAY, now that I’ve vented & y’all understand this relationship, is BOTH OR NONE fair? 😂😂