

you know, DH and I tried for this baby for a year. a whole year. which is a lot less than most and we also had a miscarriage the first month after trying. I've been thrilled with having a child with my hubs. I have a daughter from a previous marriage and hes 36 with no kids and hes adopted. it's made me so happy to give him a child. and what's even better is we found out Saturday were expecting a BOY! which is what we both wanted.

I cant help but feel so depressed. the changes to my body only make me feel fat and not pregnant. I dont have an obvious "bump" in most clothes and I've felt so down for no reason. I have a beautiful marriage and family with my absolute best friend and things are wonderful. so why the crap do I feel like this?!?! i hope its just the hormones but i figured they would've eased up by now.

tell me I'm not alone girls. 😫😔😭