What a way for it to happen.. let’s hope it doesn’t!

Back story.. I have done random things in my sleep but no more than the average person. However my partner is a pretty strong sleep walker and talker (he eats, tells me there’s dead cats in the bed and other random shit). Approx 2 years ago I woke up to him on top of me trying to get it in but in his sleep walking state he couldn’t, I rolled him away and that was that. About a month ago I woke up in the middle of the night to me and him both (half assed) playing with each other. He was rock hard and I was dripping. I realised, turned over and went back to sleep.. I told him the next day and although shocked, we both laughed it off.

A week and a half ago I was still awake and he’d been asleep like 4ish hours. He rolled over and cuddled me (big spoon). He then leant down, kissed my bum (he does often) and said he loves my ass. I ask if he’s awake and he says yes (he often has broken sleep also). He then begins to get frisky. I ask again if he’s awake and he laughs saying yes then talks dirty the way he usually does, which is just a few nasty words I love.

Then.. he cums in me.

I haven’t been on birth control for a couple years now so he knows not to.. and he absolutely never cums that quick. I lay there shocked.. then he’s snoring.. he had been asleep the whole time.

The next morning we straight away go for a plan B.

I was due for my period a few days later.. I’m now almost a week late..

I can NOT get pregnant by a sleeping person!! I feel gross. Like I violated him.. even though I honestly thought he was awake. Ahhhh!!

What is life?!