Please help


I’m 15 years old and a child of divorce for eight years. My dad and I have always had a tough relationship, but recently I just can’t handle it and am completely over trying to be apart of his life. Him, his wife, and I have recently also had a “talk” about how I’m feeling. (We talked because the night before my dad was drunk and had said that I was the reason for his stress, that I’m just a whining little brat, etc. This pissed me off.) Anyways during “talk” I brought up how I didn’t enjoy coming to their house for multiple reasons.

1) He talks shit about my mom (his ex) and my sisters (who aren’t his kids) he’s done this since I was 7, he’s said he hopes I never end up like them.

2) He can’t even bring himself to say my mom’s name. He’ll pause and say “your mother” with slight disgust.

3) He’s said that I’ve made his day shitty multiple times and that I’ll never be successful in life. (Though he says that he’s never said that in his life even after I recounted the EXACT time he did)

4) I feel like I can’t be myself when I’m around him and his wife, like I put on a whole different persona.

5) I just down right don’t enjoy being around them and their house, it makes me feel depressed.

I felt so bad after I told them all this in a sugar coated way because I could tell it was really hurting him.

I can’t tell if this is just “being a teenager” and not liking a parent/ a result of most divorces that I will soon get over OR if my dislike for him as my dad is actually creditable, that he actually isn’t a good father. What do you guys think? How could I help not getting depressed and panicking every time I have to go see him?

Side note: I have a step-dad who is a 1000% better.