Agoraphobia and interviews?

So I've been dealing with agoraphobia for a lil over 6 years. I don't always get panic attacks but when I do I never know what symptoms I might experience a majority of the time they're not that intense and it's probably just the anxiety of being in a situation but sometimes I'm hyperventilating, or getting chest cramps, etc. and in the end I always end up crying lol.

but my question is now that I've graduated college and I've been applying for jobs I'm bound to get an interview soon and it scares the hell out of me I don't know how I'm gonna react in that situation cause there's really no way to escape the interview and my agoraphobia stems from thinking I can't flee certain situations. I couldn't even walk out of my front door to go to a job fair without having a panic attack. Has anyone else dealt with this? Any tips on coping mechanisms or just any general advice you can give. How I usually deal with this is coming up with an easy escape plan before I go into any situation that could possibly cause me to feel overwhelmed, and I really can't just subtly leave a job interview and risk my changes of not getting the job. (I know I'm overthinking this and blowing it out of proportion in my head)