Feeling unmotivated lately .. 😞😩

Do you ever feel unmotivated to do the things that you enjoy and just let life pass you by. You sit around and make all these b.s excuses about why you cannot do them anymore. But really that unmotivation comes from fear. Fear of being a failure or of failing. Then you look around you and see other people you admire following their passions and you get angry & are slightly envious of their motivation bc they are not sitting on their asses like you and are actually LIVING. And you think man, if I would just do this I’d be somewhere by now. Then you start feeling sorry for yourself. And you wonder what happened to that fire inside of you.

Yeah, This is how I have been feeling lately. I used to make Youtube videos and then I just stopped bc I felt that I wasnt good enough or talented enough. Now I work a job that I hate and I have 0 motivation. I havent worked out in the gym in a long time & I love it too.. How do you pick yourself up again? 😩 I am quite ambitious and I want to make something out of myself but life makes you so tired sometimes you just want to sit there and watch netflix and eat.