RAINBOW MOMMAS ONLY PLEASE, read info first: Is t too soon to send her a rainbow baby gift?

Paige • FTM 💙 Wife 💙 Veterinary Nurse 💙

My best friend miscarried in October of last year at 5 weeks. She just found out she’s pregnant with baby number two. She’s 4.5 weeks now. I want her to be able to think about this pregnancy differently than the last. By that I simply mean, I want her to be excited, to relish in the excitement. I know she will never forget baby number one, but I don’t want her to be dreading the possibility of having another miscarriage. She’s 3 states away, so I am sending her a pregnancy care package - saltines, tums, magazines, cocoa butter, sprite, etc. I wanted to include something rainbow themed (haven’t found the perfect gift yet). Do you think this is okay or is it too soon to call this baby a rainbow baby? I of course want to be considerate of her feelings, and I cannot imagine what she is and has gone through, so I would really appreciate some guidance. Thank you for helping me make her feel special!

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