Can I be pregnant?


Quick background:

I’ve been off BC since October 2017. We have been ttc for 3 months. Ever since coming off BC my cycle has been between 35-44 days. No longer than 44 days for the past 3 months. This cycle I ovulated on June 12/13. We BD on the 11th. My period is now 4 days late, and I’m on cycle day 48, 20dpo. During the TWW, I exhibited many symptoms of pregnancy. Now, as I wait for my period, the bulk of my Stanton’s have disappeared. But I am having a lot of CM, my CP is high and medium, and my vaginal walls are very tight. My boobs ache every once in a while but faintly. I’m quite bloated, and I have random boats of queasiness. Absolutely no signs of oncoming period. I took a test the day I missed my period and it was negative. Could I be pregnant?